Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Study - People aren't using turn signals

I'm thinking about starting a study to track the number of times people don't use their turn signal when they should. I'll expand more over the next several days based upon observations and feedback from people. So, please let me know your thoughts and if you've seen the same where you live.



1 comment:

  1. A short update.

    I did start this study, but then left on a business trip a few days later. So far I have observed 887 vehicles when they should have used their turn signal. As of August 28th 555 used their signal, and 332 did not use their turn signal, or a 63% proper utilization. Still going to observe for another couple of weeks, but I think a sample size of ~2,000 vehicles is good to make my point...1/3 or greater of people don't use their turn signal when they should. No wonder why we have so many accidents and road rage..there is no common courtesy.
